Migration Stories

Content Curation / Exhibition Design

Collaborative pop-up exhibition facilitated for final year BA (Hons) Graphic Design students at Academy of Design Colombo and the Embassy of Italy in Colombo for Italian Week in Sri Lanka, 2016.

The movement of a person or a group of persons, either across an international border, or within a State. It is a population movement, encompassing any kind of movement of people, whatever its length, composition and causes; it includes migration of refugees, displaced persons, economic migrants, and persons moving for other purposes, including family reunification.

– The International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Introduction panel. AOD International Design Campus, Colombo. 

Introduction panel. AOD International Design Campus, Colombo. 

Exhibition memorabilia. 

Exhibition memorabilia. 

Opening night, with Giuseppe Crocetti, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Sri Lanka Chief of Mission. 

Opening night, with Giuseppe Crocetti, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Sri Lanka Chief of Mission. 

Opening night. 

Opening night. 

Fuse It - Borrowed Words

Content Curation / Exhibition Design

Facilitated for first year BA Graphic Design students at AOD, Colombo.
Fuse it 2015 was a part of SLDF 2015

Silk screen posters by first year graphic design students. 

Silk screen posters by first year graphic design students. 

Often when we think of cultural heritage, we think of preservation; preservation of things forgotten or perhaps neglected. Buildings, traditions, customs, clothes, and cuisine to name a few. However, cultural heritage literally translates to culture that we inherit. 

Fuse It: Borrowed Words is a collaboration between AOD and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Sri Lanka to celebrate 400 years of shared history between the two nations. As the curator I focused the content of the exhibition on the Dutch influence on Sinhala language as this can be seen in everyday spoken words even today.  Upon their arrival in the 17th century, words were borrowed from Dutch to fill gaps in Sinhala. Advakat (lawyer) and balconiya (balcony) are common examples. These initial Borrowed Words have effortlessly lingered on in the everyday spoken language of today. Fuse It 2015 celebrated these words inherited by Sri Lanka and paid homage to the island’s eclectic cultural heritage.
The project brief provided can be
Project press can be viewed here. 

Invitation, opening night.

Invitation, opening night.

Visual inspiration board shared at the start of the project.

Visual inspiration board shared at the start of the project.

Social media invite. 

Social media invite.